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Felys is a dynamically-typed language that includes strings, numbers, and functions. This makes Felys easy to code and more beginner-friendly. I believe that before a language matures to a certain extent, its advantages generally outweigh its disadvantages.


Felys variables can be structured like this:



Object::None is the default return value of a function when there is no explicit return value.


Functions in Felys are declared during runtime. Since Felys supports Rust function injection, building a Felys function abstract syntax tree is unnecessary. Therefore, no interface is provided for this purpose.

Rust Function

To define a Felys Rust function type:


This type of function will be injected into Felys, so it must follow this signature:

fn function(cx: &mut Context) -> Output {
    // do something

Input cx: &mut Context

  • cx.args: This contains a Vec<Object>, which is a vector of all input arguments. You can verify the number of arguments and their types inside the function. All Object types have two methods: .f64() and .bool(). The former returns a Result<f64, RuntimeError>, and the latter returns a bool.
  • cx.write(): This method requires an argument of type String. It works similarly to Rust's write!(), writing data into the output buffer. You can access the buffer after execution is complete. This interface is provided as an alternative to println!(), particularly when println!() does not work properly, such as in online code execution environments.

Output Output

  • Output::error(): This method takes a String as an error message. It sends an error to the backend, causing the backend to propagate the error and stop execution.
  • Output::from(): This converts an Object into an acceptable return value. However, we typically avoid using this method directly. A more recommended approach is to use the Into trait. For example, Object::None.into() converts Object into Output as required by the function signature.


The following function joins all arguments with a space and sends the result to the output buffer. It is similar to the built-in print function in Python. The function returns Object::None:

pub fn print(cx: &mut Context) -> Output {
    let out = cx.args.iter()
        .map(|o| o.to_string())
        .join(" ");