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Felys allows some basic configuration options, such as constant injection, language selection, and timeout settings.


This section focuses on demonstrating how to build a new worker without injecting anything. For more details, refer to the previous page.

let mixin = HashMap::new();
let mut main = Worker::new(mixin, 0.0, 100, Language::EN);
  • mixin represents the constant injection.
  • 0.0 is the timeout setting. If you set it to zero, it means there is no timeout. Be aware that when a timeout is set, Felys will spawn a new thread to act as a timer. In this case, the initialization will be a few hundred microseconds slower than usual. Whenever a statement is executed, it first checks if the time is up. If the time is up, it will throw an error. However, if a statement takes a long time to run, only the next statement will check the timeout, which means the timeout may not take effect immediately.
  • 100 is the maximum number of recursive calls allowed. Exceeding this limit will result in an error. Each function call increments a counter by one, and the counter is decremented by one after the call is finished.
  • Language::EN specifies the expected language, which is English in this case.


let code = "return __elysia__;".to_string();
let _ = main.exec(code);

The return value of main.exec(code) is Result<Summary, Error>. This allows programmers to decide how to handle the correct output or error. The Error type is from Felys and implements the Display trait, meaning you can call the .to_string() method on it.


Worker allows multiple execution, and they share the built-in objects and the global scope.

The output summary

If everything is right, the unwrapped result is a Summary structured like this:

pub struct Summary {
    pub time: (Duration, Duration, Duration),
    pub stdout: String,
    pub exit: Object,
  • time: Initialization time, toknization time, and exeuction time.
  • stdout: Everything written by cx.write() will be joined using \n and returned here.
  • exit: If you return something in the main body of the program, that object will be returned here. If nothing is returned explicitly, the default value is Object::None.